Hello, Collier County! I’m here to shake things up as your independent candidate for County Commissioner in District #3.


My name might be familiar to some of you. I’ve been a proud resident and business owner in this community since 2007, running a successful State Farm Insurance Agency at the heart of Golden Gate Parkway and Collier Blvd, and diving into ventures like the School of Rock, JamFest Productions, and MusicAlive SWFL—a charity close to my heart.

But here’s the deal: I’m not just a businessman. I’m also SWFL’s only one-armed Bass guitarist, known as “the Wolf” on stage.

My life took a dramatic turn at 21 after surviving a horrific motorcycle accident, and it’s this resilience and fighting spirit I bring to the table as your next County Commissioner.


Collier County, we’ve got issues to tackle—head-on. The reckless rezoning of residential lands to commercial use? It stops with me.

Our streets are choked with traffic, our peaceful neighborhoods are under siege, and it’s time someone put an end to it.

I pledge to uphold the integrity of our Growth Management Plan, ensuring our community’s growth is both sustainable and respectful of our quality of life.

Transportation and safety on our roads cannot take a backseat. Our families, our commuters, our lives are at risk with the current state of congestion. I’m committed to prioritizing roadway projects that not only alleviate this mess but also make our journeys safer. Enough is enough.

And let’s talk about education. The loophole that allows Charter Schools to pop up without public input is a glaring oversight. It’s high time we closed it to protect our residential neighborhoods and manage commercial growth responsibly.

My journey here has been anything but conventional. From a devastating accident to leading the charge with my bass guitar, and now stepping into the political arena, I’ve always fought for what I believe in. Collier County, it’s time for action, not words. With my track record of building successful businesses and bringing people together, I’m ready to make District #3 a better place for all of us. Let’s do this!