Conover Wins MIACC Straw Poll

Richard Conover, Independent Candidate for Commissioner of Collier County District #3 set the local political establishment on its ear with a decisive and shocking victory over the 4 republican candidates including incumbent Commission Burt Saunders at the Marine Industries Association of Collier County Candidate Forum on Thursday. The audience responded with a stirring round applause for Conover’s opening address “I am a Reagan Conservative…”

His support of offshore mooring, more local access, natural solutions to water quality and a working waterfront won him many new supporters in the MIACC.

Lisa Ballantine a registered republican said, ” he is the only candidate who had any ideas and real plans to make our County better”.

The next Forum is June 11th, a Politics in the Park “Old Fashioned Political Rally and Straw Vote”

Letter from MIACC

Forum Candidates,

On behalf of the entire marine industry, I would like to thank you for participating in the MIACC forum yesterday evening!  We appreciate your support of our precious waterfront community and your continued support of its marine industry.

We would like to congratulate our Straw Poll winners:

Supervisor of Elections: Melissa Balzier

CCBOCC District 3: Richard Conover

CCBOCC District 5: Com. Bill McDaniel

We trust that by participating in our forum, that you learned more about MIACC and the issues of importance to the boating community.  As a leading economic driver of our community, we hope that you will advocate for policies that support these business and recreational interests. Please feel free to reach out any time with any questions.

Good luck in your campaigns and future endeavors!

Thank You & Have a blessed day!


Tiffany Sawyer-Schank 

Executive Director

Marine Industries Association of Collier County

PO Box 9887

Naples, FL 34101

Office: (239) 682-0900


Why No Party and Huge Reagan Fan for Conover?

Ronald Reagan

By early 1980 the Country was reeling from high inflation, high energy costs, interest rates at 20% and unemployment was rising daily. Iran had been holding American Citizens hostage and Jimmy Carter was telling us to wear sweaters indoors to save on energy costs.

America needed to find its greatness again and along came Ronald Reagan!

He inspired me and millions of Americans with his “Shining City on as Hill” image of America.

At age 18 I became a Reagan Conservative and registered Republican. Fueled by Reagan’s optimism, my belief in American Exceptionalism and the roaring economy he created, my wife Jessica, and I were able to build a beautiful life together.

For the next 32 years I proudly voted Republican. However, by early 2000, the Republican Party had changed. Many felt that it no longer was the Party that Regan built. I too felt that, and in 2012 I entertained the idea of leaving the Republican Party. I looked at the Tea Party and the Libertarian Party and I registered as a Libertarian.

By 2018, DC politics had become such a circus and the two-party system seemed less and less interested in serving the people. Covid came and like many I was extremely alarmed by the Government overstepping and even more disappointed by my Collier Commissioner in District #3 voting for mask mandates. I started paying attention.

In 2023 the issue of rezoning came to my neighborhood. My street, 7th Ave NW is targeted by Mason Classical Academy for the demolition of 4 homes and the clearing of 17 acres to make way for the relocation of the MCA Horseshoe Drive school…and there was nothing our neighborhood could do. As I peeled away the layers, it became clear to me, Collier County’s residential land was being rezoned at nearly every Commission meeting and choking our roads.

This Reagan Conservative could no longer sit on the sidelines. After watching my County Commissioner, Burt Saunders, fail to build any consensus for a rezoning moratorium on January 23rd I decided to run for office as an Independent Candidate.

These principles will guide my decision making these next 4 years, just as they have guided me these past 40 years.

  • Freedom
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
  • American Exceptionalism
  • The Founders’ Wisdom and Vision
  • Lower taxes
  • Limited government
  • Peace through strength
  • Anti-communism
  • Belief in the individual