Richard Conover – Your Independent Voice for Collier County Commission, District 3

Our Commitment to Change

Policy 1: Ending the Rezoning Madness

Enough is enough. Our neighborhoods are under siege by relentless rezoning that’s turning the places we call home into overcrowded commercial zones. Here’s my ironclad promise to you:

  • Unwavering Protection: I will fiercely safeguard the Growth Management Plan, ensuring our community’s character isn’t sold to the highest bidder.
  • Halting Traffic Mayhem: No more watching our streets clog and our quality of life deteriorate. We stop this now.

Policy 2: Roadways That Work for Us

Our commutes are nightmares, and our streets, unsafe. It’s time for a no-nonsense approach to get Collier County moving:

  • Accelerate Widening Projects: I’ll push to get shovels in the ground and expand our choked roadways, pronto.
  • Smart Signals: We’ll synchronize our traffic lights to slash your commute time. No more red light marathons.
  • Practical Solutions: I’m all about action. Expect bold, straightforward fixes to our traffic woes.

Policy 3: Slamming Shut the Charter School Loophole

Our neighborhoods are not dumping grounds for unchecked charter school development. I’m stepping up to protect our community’s voice:

  • Mandatory Public Hearings: Your voice deserves to be heard. I’ll require public input before any charter school can break ground.
  • Rigorous Approval Process: With the Board of County Commissioners’ oversight, we’ll ensure that only the proposals that truly benefit our community see the light of day.