Richard Conover is a very nice man! I support him 100%. He would be a great asset to the Collier County Tax payers!

Meredith Carr

Village Walk

Great things Come from hard work, perseverance, honesty and the genuine care for others- that person is Richard Conover.

Elissa George-Schults

Logan’s Woods

I put my trust in Richard Conover, a man of Integrity and Honesty

Richard Tranchand

Logan’s Woods

Richard es una Buena persona, Buen Jefe y Buen ser Humano equivalente a Buen comisionado. Richard para Comisionado.

Richard is good person, great Boss and good human, and all this is equivalent to good commissioner. Richard for commissioner

Lixandra Tarrago-Acosta

There’s not a more dedicated man you could find to fight for the Golden Gate Estates community!!!

Steve Maderas

Golden Gate Estates

I consider myself to be a moderate Republican ever since I’ve been 19 years old. For the first time in my life, I will be voting independent, for Richard Conover

Jim Dunnigan

Golden Gate Estates

Richard is the kind of person you meet for the first time. And you know he’s a good man….

Jim Rigg

The Vinyards

Richard Conover is wise, honest and a true “mensch”, all the attributes of a great person.  He has my vote.

Donna Lee Rigg


“Richard driven to help people, he is a detailed oriented, hard-worker with the good of the little guy at heart. He brings great focus to bear when battling against abuse of power, be it as your insurance agent or you next county commissioner. I endorse him whole heartedly.”

Benjamin Baker

Golden Gate Estates, Rural Estates